Notes: Nature doesn’t exist in L.A., Nature is hard to find in L.A. and is a “wild thing”, Only viewed as a resource, Nature in L.A. is different in every area, As the area is changed nature reacts and usually not passively, Nature gives meaning to humans.
Fact 1: Nature can be view in many different facets.
Fact 2: When things are subjected to change, there is always a bad side, and a good side.
This photo really gave me a feeling of meaning when seeing how the architecture mixed so well with nature even if it was planted there. It gave me a form of peace and a hope that nature and humanity can live together well.
This little spider made me just realize that nature is all around us even if not everyone is focusing on it. Seeing a small spider staring at me as I ate my food just made me look around, and see that nature really is everywhere.
I took this photo while walking to Safeway, and when I saw the bush I just realized just how beautiful it was. People often think that we just use nature to advance, however here I saw that we can use nature for beauty and just a better living environment.
Here I met the different side of all the cars driving around, sound filling the air. I met silence, just the wind blowing and the clouds moving in the lit up sky.
Connection: One connection that I can think of is all the different ways people look at social media. Nowadays majority of the population is someway involved in a form of social media, and some say it’s a waste of time and just slows down humanity. However there are other aspects of it, you could see it as just a form of communication allowing cross continent texts in a fraction of a second. It can also be seen as a way of advancement for everyone. One example of this is that everyone who has access to internet, can access advanced AI to do tasks that would usually take hours, this allows the general public to advance. People find cool new things and post them resulting in a sort of branch out idea, where eventually everyone knows what one person discoverered. This allows humanity to grow together.